101231/110101 New Tweets

(1) 이제 2010년도 얼마남지 않았네요… 오랜만에 국내활동하면서 너무 즐거운 시간 보낸거같아요!! 너무 고맙습니다^^ 2011년엔 더더욱 열심히 해서 더 많은 분들께 좋은모습 보여드리는 ‘SE7EN’ 될게요~ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!^^

Translation: There’s not much left for 2010 now..It seems that I spent a very enjoyable time promoting in Korea after such a long time!!Thank you so much^^ In 2011, I will work even harder to cecome a se7en who will show more people a good image~ HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!^^

(2) 2011 새해가 밝았네요!!! 2011 just started!!! Happy new year everyone!! Hope u hva great start…. あけおめ!!! 새해 복 마아아아아니 받으세용^^

Translation: 2011, the new year has come!!2011 just started!!! Happy new year everyone!! Hope u hva great start…. あけおめ!!!(dunno japaneses) Receive lots and lots of blessing in the new yr^^

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